There’s no doubt Hustlers have their codes of communication and if you must flow with the street, then you must get these codes and slangs right.
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As You prepare to become a successful yahoo boy, it’s also important to learn and master some of the hustlers everyday orientations for easy communication.
So, the next time you find yourself in the midst of yahoo boys, you won’t get lost at the strange terms as they may sound for beginners and newbies in the game.
By now, you must be thinking you’re really smart enough to beat scam but the truth remains “Anyone can be a victim of online scam because it comes in different methods”
I assume the person reading this page may be a beginner in the game so, Before we continue, let me quickly give you some tips to avoid getting scammed online. I believe this will increase your chances of success in the game as well.
How to identify and Avoid online scam
There are many yahoo formats right? But here are some helpful insights:
is a type of format which include sending bulk and random emails to clients. The scammer often makes the email message look like it’s coming from a well-known company or organization. The purpose of these email is to steal credit card details or other relevant personal information.
To avoid being a victim , you must not be too quick to perform any task which comes through messages from emails without thorough validation to be sure you’re dealing with the right firms.
Romance or Love scam
is another update but this time around, the aim of the scammer is to get their victims to fall deeply in love with them after which they asked for money based on the trust they have built already.
In most cases scammer go as far as collecting sensitive informations which can then be used to extort funds from victim following a threat to be blackmailed without complying.
So, the next time anyone proclaim love online, be sure the informations you’re giving out won’t be used against you later. Also, scammers always avoid video calls when doing such scam so you can easily blow their covers by asking for video calls.
That’s not enough to believe they are real though, most of the advanced scammers already know about tools like VideoCollar which helps in making fake videos calls without trace.
Investment format
is very common and am also sure you may have come across this multiple times online where random people come to your DM offering you big returns on your investments.
They usually request your investment to be made in bitcoin or other Crypto currencies. They may claim to be trading with your funds if you ask what they do with the money to get such returns without their company folding. There’s always some lines to convince you but you gat to stay smart.
Never invest with any company online without knowing their physical address or getting complete details and knowledge about the business.
There are over 200 yahoo formats e.g Tech support, Ponzi schemes, medical, crypto,cheque fraud, Loan scam, lottery scam, employment update, travel abroad scam, credit card or wire wire, identity theft etc. so if we should continue with the list, the this article would be too long to read so i general, here are some tips that will help you.
- ⛔Identify the pressure:
On of the common characteristics is that scammers will pressure you to make payment as fast as possible to avoid missing out. You can tell if they are scam from their pressure especially when you tend to delay.
- ⛔Too God to be true:
They always make everything easy, no single restrain, no challenges on your path no matter the questions you put out. That should be a red flag especially when your money is involved. Avoid offers with too many promises online.
- ⛔Validate their online presence:
scammers are always not present on any review site but if you eventually find them on one, it will be all negative reviews. Sites like trustpilot can help you identify what company you’re dealing with.
Never give out personal details no matter the conviction.
Yahoo boy orientation and slangs for Beginners
So far, we have discussed like gentlemen. Now let’s return to hustle mode. Here are some of the slangs and orientation you may need as a hustler.
This is a popular slang and term which means a hustler is believing on God to be successful in the yahoo game. This slang is now used in the street even by market women but it was hustlers origination.
Making a very huge amount of money through the hustle. So when next someone use the word hammer, it simply means they are expecting something huge.
Learning the norms m, culture and the rules to become successful in the yahoo game (Street orientation in full). There’s more to explain about this in one of our articles about Hk meaning in Nigeria
every scammer is always concerned about their anonymity because nobody want to get caught. The term ghost mode means staying undetected when scamming probably through the use of VPN, RDP and other methods.
when a yahoo boy uses some sort of diabolical powders and certain rituals to enhance their hustle. We call such hustlers Yahoo plus.
This term is used instead of the word “Broke” Yahoo boys use such orientation when they are broke and without enough money to sort their bills. This is common at some point in every yahoo boy’s life.
the particular method or scope used in asking money from a victim is what we call Billing method. This area is very essential that’s why yahoo boys always documents the steps for upcoming hustlers to avoid failures.
HK :
This is the abbreviation for hustle Kingdom. A simple term to explain this is “A school for yahoo” So the next time you really want to learn yahoo, you should be looking for the best Hk around you.
the process of sorting new clients or victims. This bombing can be done on different social platforms such as facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok etc. Irrespective of your yahoo format, you must go through this process to get clients.
No, it wasn’t misspelled because I feel like someone is thinking i wrongly spelt the country Japan. The Word JAPA is a yahoo slang which means “Escape” maybe from authority, it can also means travel abroad due to certain country conditions.
There are many more slangs and you will learn as you start the journey to becoming a successful yahoo boy because you will always come across them so long you’re an associate with the street.
Tell us in the comment section, apart from the ones listed on this article and other popular ones like Aza, wire wire, Location, broker, Iron Hand etc which other term and slang do you know?
Also, Do you know you can become successful overnight by becoming a DarkwebGroup member?
Is there any book for yahoo orientations?
No, There’s no such book or pdf online. The deeper you go into the game, the more you learn.
As a newbie, the slangs may sound strange but as time goes on you get use to them.
If you want to be so good at it, then you have to make more friends who are into the same game and always pay attention to their conversations.