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Best Fake Alert Apps for iPHONE and Android

iPhone users may also need fake transfer apps, but unfortunately, no one is talking about that. Instead, developers are focused and concentrating more on making Android and PC versions while the number of iPhone users keeps increasing daily.

But the good news is that we are here today to discuss fake alert apps for iphone and Android users.

Before we continue, you can read our previous article on how to remove money from credit or debit cards without otp. As a hustler, you might find it helpful.  


You Should understand our terms if you’ve been following this platform: No Darkweb tool is downloadable on iphone because the iPhone versions doesn’t use activation codes.

You just install and use unlike the android versions.

So for iphone users, you will get the tool forward via email for any purchase made.

I’m sure you don’t need much explanation on how fake alert works but for the sake of newbies, let’s share some insights.

How fake alerts work

Fake Alert works in different ways depending on the tool being used, but the whole concept is still the same: “Sending fake money to your recipient’s bank account.” This process is anonymous, so senders hardly get caught, especially when they use the right tools. 

Best fake alert apps for iPhone and Android users

All of these listed tools for sending fake transfers work effectively. Getting the best among them is based on individual choices. 

If you check on darkweb tools You will understand that almost all of these tools you’ve seen online are available for iOS devices, but here’s how they work. 

Instead of downloading and paying for activation or access codes, just like it’s been done for Android users, iPhone users just have to install and use the app without any additional payments.

that’s why many of these tools are not available for iPhone downloads because you can only get the tools when you pay for them through the right source. 

Unfortunately, over the years, there have been so many scams around this, making it almost impossible to get the right tools, but the good news is that you finally came to the right place. You should be thankful to whoever referred you here. 

Here are some fake alert apps you can get for your iPhone device. 

  • Flash funds

This fake alert app for iPhone is very popular, and I am also sure you must have seen this tool online but were unable to download it for your iPhone.  The FlashFunds app makes it easy to send unlimited fake transfers to any bank in Nigeria and abroad with just few steps. 

With flash funds for iPhone users, you don’t need to topup your wallet. You just download, install, and start sending alerts, but it comes with a limit, which is two times per day. This means you can only use the iPhone version to send fake alerts twice a day. 

Any money transferred with this tool goes to the recipient’s available balance, both in the mobile banking app and USSD code. The tool is so effective, and all your transactions are anonymous. 

For every transfer, you will be able to fill out the sender’s details, making it impossible to track your transactions. 

Funds can last in recipient accounts for at least 14 days, and the tool is easy to use. Contact us if you need this tool for your iPhone. 

  • Zoalert app

This is another popular tool in the fake alert game, and it’s available for both Android and iPhone users. 

With this fake alert app for iPhone, you can gain access to send fake funds worth around $10M for as long as you can. 

This tool works for over 200 countries across the globe, and it’s verified to be effective for international transactions. 

This tool is also available for iPhone users, but then you will have to follow the usual process, which is “Pay and get the tool forwarded to your email.” With this tool, there’s no extra fee or charge aside from the payment for the tool itself, which will cost around $100. 

  • ProBank tool

This is another effective tool for sending fake transfers. This tool helps to send the money directly to your recipient’s account, and it also adds to their available balance. 

Just like others, this tool can only be sent through email. You won’t be able to download online if you are using an iPhone. 

How to detect a fake alert

There are many ways to detect fake transfers as an individual or business owner. Lets talk about some of them so you won’t end up becoming the victim instead.

  • Sense of Urgency

In most cases, people who do fake transfers always show this unusual sense of urgency if closely observed. 

They can just grab the product they paid for without waiting for your confirmation. Such a set of people should be carefully observed when next they come around your  business line. 

  • Error in spellings

Many of these fake alert tools doesn’t really generate alerts; instead, you write the message and send it either as bulk or regular SMS. In doing that, most at times scammers make mistakes in their spellings without even knowing it. 

You may need to look closely, especially at your full name, to see how it shows in the alert  and some other important spellings in the description texts. 

  • Personal details

It’s a total red flag when anyone asks for your phone number along with your account details whenever they want to send you money. We all know that transfers doesn’t require recipients phone digits. 

Most scammers who use certain tools, like the old version of Flash Funds, which we wrote about years ago, ask for a phone number when sending alerts. 

Though this same tool has recently been updated, some guys still go with the old version, probably because they can’t afford the recent version, and you just have to take note of this set of people. This will save your business. 

  • Fake account balance

Because some of these tools are not well built, recipient account balance won’t be updated whenever an alert comes in, and that’s why it’s always advisable to check your balance whenever you receive alerts. and if your balance doesn’t tally with what’s expected, you should immediately flag it as suspicious. 

Though in some instances, banks do send alerts without the balance being updated immediately, but that’s only on rare occasions. 

  • Email confirmation

If you get an email alert, always remember to check the sender’s information and be sure the message came from your official bank account. If the sender’s email doesn’t look familiar, you should query that.

Guys do create similar email addresses to that of your official banks, so you need to always look closely to be sure the email is that of your official bank. Don’t be a victim. 

  • Official bank app

You should always check your official mobile banking app to confirm every alert. Most of the fake alert tools won’t get the funds delivered to recipient bank apps; instead, they only end in USSD and other means of checking balance.

Using the mobile banking app will easily expose fake transactions.

Now that you already know how to spot fake transfers, let’s quickly go to the next section on how to get the best  fake alert app for iPhone. Keep in mind that these tools also work for Android users. 

How to make money with the Fake transfer Update?

This very update that has been in existence for ages and still remains till date. 

It’s not just about sending fake alert. You can also get real money to buy cars, build houses, and do other stuff. But then you have to understand how this shit works and how to get started. 

You can shop for items online or offline through fake transfer. I’ve seen guys who purchased expensive cars using this update. It depends on your confidence. 

You can also get a good amount of cash through POS doing a fake transfer. It’s nothing new, but you will need to be very careful not to carry out such an act in areas you are already know.

You may end up getting arrested if you’re lucky or beating to death. 

Need any of these tools? Contact us immediately.

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