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Yahoo format for video call: Convince clients easily

The issue of video calls has been one major challenge for Yahoo boys And trust me, it’s very difficult to pass this stage, especially for some clients who will always insist on doing video calls for identity verification.

Others will insist on video calls not because they actually lose trust in you but probably because they are emotionally attached and would always want to get in touch and see your face. This set of clients is kind of easy to handle.

Irrespective of how much your clients insist, this update will teach you how to avoid video calls from clients.

When I recently started this hustle years ago, I always got fed up because it seemed like almost every client I met online was asking for a video call, making it very difficult to even continue. As a result, I lost many paying clients. You may have encountered this as well. 

As the years went by, we started sorting for perfect ways to avoid video calls from clients, and not long enough, our experiments started working out, and that’s exactly what we’ve stuck with to date. 

In our previous article, we wrote about Websites to get rich client online You can spend some time checking them out after reading this article. 

It comes to a stage where, after resisting video calls for a long time, even your unsuspecting victims will begin to question themselves about your legitimacy, and the next thing that will happen is blocking you after so many conflicts in their thoughts. 

Needs to avoid video calls from clients

From the above writing, I don’t need to say much about why you need to avoid video calls from your clients. 

In this game, you do everything possible to cash out because that’s the main goal. A Yahoo boy without cashing out is like a salary worker who’s not getting paid, and I’m sure you know how frustrating that could be. 

The moment your clients start insisting on a video call because they don’t trust you and are afraid to say, “That work might not yield a positive result,” you better start searching for another client in advance so you won’t end up getting heartbreak. 

Because even if you manage to sort them out today, they will still come back with the same request tomorrow, so the question now is, “How long can you hold this?” That’s why we have diverted other means by selecting certain formats that have less video calling probability or by using fake video calling tools. 

That’s what we are discussing in today’s article. 

If you can afford purchasing certain tools, you will have to get the ultimate fake video calling app, and that will end your entire struggle. This is exactly what real Yahoo guys do instead of consistently lying. 

VideoColar: The Fake Video Calling App for Hustlers

This tool is available for both Android and iPhone users, but it can only work through the WhatsApp Messenger app. 

You just need to connect your WhatsApp with the app, and right there you can easily use the video of the person you’re impersonating to reach out to your clients, and they will so much believe they just called you. 

There’s no better and perfect tool than videocolar as far as hustle is concerned. Though it’s not free, that’s why it’s not very common. This tool costs around $95, but it will save you the hassle of video calls with clients. 

If you need this tool, kindly contact us right now. You won’t regret buying such a great tool. 

Yahoo Formats to Avoid Video Calls from Clients

Here are some of the formats you can easily explore to get away with video calls. 

  • Military man to woman format

Tell your clients you’re military personnel and you’ve been sent on a secret mission to some tough countries like Iran and Iraq. You can mention any dangerous zone you know. 

Convince them that it’s the military protocol not to make calls or even chat when on duty and that they won’t be seeing you always online because you’re already breaking protocols and there’s punishment for that. 

Let your clients know they shouldn’t get worried because you will get back to see them in person as soon as your duty is over. This alone is enough reason not to make video calls with you.

If you use this format correctly and your client happens to trust you, believe me, you won’t have issues with video calls all the way. To make it real, you can send pictures of your current location, probably a picture of you in the forest, or other critical duty posts, just to surpass their conviction. 

  • The secret spy update

Tell your clients you’re either a secret spy for the government or for some private agency and that you’ve been sent on a mission where you can hardly make calls for security reasons. 

But because you are in urgent need of finding love, you just had to fake out the orders. But right now, you can only reach out via text message. After that, you will have to plead with them to bear with you till you return. 

Back your return with many promises that will blow their minds. And trust me, they will never ask for a video call again if they can believe your lines. 

  • Urgent meetings

Though this may not always last long, it does work for some moments. Tell your clients you have an urgent meeting with your boss and that this meeting is so important because you are closing a $10 million deal and you wouldn’t want to take any calls at the moment. 

Your clients will understand at that moment because they wouldn’t want to be an obstacle on your route to success. But keep in mind that this format won’t last long before it finally dawns on them that you are not real. 

They won’t keep accepting your lies. They will have to question it one day to know why you are always from one meeting to another anytime they request calls, and that’s where the problem comes in. The same reason I stated earlier, this format can only work for a short period of time. 

  • Emergency exit update

On many occasions, getting the right thing to tell your clients when they ask for video calls is really difficult, but with this emergency exit, you can easily maneuver this stage.

Call your clients or receive their calls, but cover your camera for some seconds, after which you will tell them in a terrified tone that your grandma just fell off the steps and you are trying to reach out to them before their call came in. 

There are many more lies you can think of. I’m sure you are really good at that, so don’t make me feel like a bad guy. 

You can quickly end the call and text them; you will chat with them later. Make them believe you’re on a rescue mission (). 

That will end the whole thing for that moment, and until next time, the lies continue. 

  • The oil rig Yahoo format

Rigs are always at the edge, and most times, getting good signals here can be very difficult. You can use that as an excuse to make video calls. Tell your client that you work at the rig and that you can’t make calls because of bad signals. 

Make them believe that even for the messages you are sending, you had to climb to the highest point of some towers to get a very small signal, and that’s why you rarely come online. 

You can also tell them it’s against the company’s policy to even use a mobile phone on the rig because it’s highly inflamatory.

 You are only looking for someone to talk with due to how lonely the job could be. Some of your clients will believe you, but others will still question your legitimacy. Get that in mind. 

  • Faulty Phone Camera

From the start of your conversation, make your clients believe you are an engineer. Show them some good photos of your work. It can be any type of engineering work, provided you can travel to different places to perform your tasks. 

Now, when they finally ask for video calls, you can lie about that, saying you went to work in another country and your phone screen got smashed with some heavy metal tools you are using for work and that the distance from the working site to the main town is just too far. 

You won’t be able to fix your phone until the job is completed. That simply means you won’t be able to take video calls. Trust me, clients easily fall for this.

Distracting Yahoo format for video call

Apart from all of the above, here are other ways to easily distract your clients from even thinking about video calls.  This tip can easily switch their minds about calls. 

  • Tight schedule Business trip

During conversations with your clients, don’t allow them to ask for calls before dropping this line. You do it ahead. Tell them you are on a business trip and you won’t spend much time with them because your schedule is tight. 

This alone can actually switch their mind from calling you on video. 

  • Terrible network connection

Tell your clients that you went to visit your friend in a different location and that you can’t believe how bad the network connection is in that particular location. 

Assure her that they are already working on it and that the network will be back to normal soon. If they had the intention of making calls before, this alone will make them change their intentions. 

  • You lost your phone

Inform your clients that you will be limited in some things online because of the device you’re using. Let them know your phone was stolen and that you’re only managing one small phone, which is so limited to many things. 

Anytime they think of video calling, they will immediately be reminded of your current device, which has many limitations. Just promise them you will get a new phone soon where both of you can do video calls. 

There are many other excuses to bypass video calls from clients. You can simply say:

  • Your PC is dead, and you don’t like using mobile phones for video calls. 
  • You’re currently in the bathroom. You will get back when you’re done (time to think of more lies).
  • Currently feeling sick, and you wouldn’t want them to see you in such situations. 
  • Doing your project and really busy at the moment to make calls. 
  • Currently on other Zoom meetings with business associates

The list has no end. It depends on how smart you can be when lying. You just have to say something that will make your clients see a reason not to video call you. 

Yahoo format for video call pdf download

Like we always do, we convert the page to pdf so you can download on your device and read in your free time. This will also help you to access the format even when you don’t have internet connection. 

Conclusions: We hope this article on Yahoo format for video calls just solved the actual problem that has been bordering you. 

In summary, there are two ways to avoid video calls from clients. By using a fake video calling app that is available for Android and iPhone users, or  by lying.

Please share this article if you find it helpful. Someone else might need it. 


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